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Showing posts from February, 2018

FDR Mainframe Automation

Public RowValueLong As Long Public Total_Acct As Long Public PTH As String Sub FDR_INFO()     Dim oSys  As Object     Dim oSess As Object     Dim oScreen As Object          PTH = Trim(Sheets("FILE PATH").Range("B5").Value)          Set oSys = GetObject(PTH)                     If oSys Is Nothing Then         MsgBox ("There is no FDR attachment system in the specified location")         Exit Sub     End If          'GET ACCESS TO THE CURRENTLY ACTIVE SESSION...          Set oSess = oSys.screen     If oSess Is Nothing Then         MsgBox ("No session available...stopping macro playback.")         Exit Sub     End If     Total_Acct = WorksheetFunction.CountA(Sheets("PROCESSING").Range("B:B"))     RowV

Main Frame Key stocks

Attachmate Keyboard Maps Attachmate PC/AT Map      3270 Key    PC Key(s) PF1 Alt - 1 PF2 Alt - 2 PF3 Alt - 3 PF4 Alt - 4 PF5 Alt - 5 PF6 Alt - 6 PF7 Alt - 7 PF8 Alt - 8 PF9 Alt - 9 PF10 Alt - 0 PF11    Alt-- PF12    Alt-= PF13 Alt - Q PF14 Alt - W PF15 Alt - E PF16 Alt - r PF17 Alt - T PF18 Alt - y PF19 Alt - U PF20 Alt - I PF21 Alt - o PF22 Alt - P PF23    Alt-[ PF24    Alt-] PA1 Alt - F3 PA2 Alt - F4 PA3 Alt - F6 Dup F3 Field Mark  F4 Tab ?| Backtab Shift ?| Attn F1 Home Home(keypad) Test Alt - F10 Reset Esc Enter Enter Indent Alt - F9 CLEAR F2 SysReq Alt - F1 Newline End (Keypad) Key Click   Alt Cursor Erase EOF   F6 Erase Input Alt-F8 Cursor Select   F7 Capture * (