from win32com.client import Dispatchwinhttp = Dispatch('winhttp.winhttprequest.5.1')winhttp.SetOption(6, False)winhttp.Open('GET', '', False)winhttp.Send()print(winhttp.responsetext)
import sys from PyQt5.QtCore import QSize from PyQt5.QtGui import QImage, QPalette, QBrush from PyQt5.QtWidgets import * class MainWindow ( QWidget ): def __init__ ( self ): QWidget. __init__ ( self ) self .setGeometry( 100 , 100 , 300 , 200 ) oImage = QImage( "test.jpg" ) sImage = oImage.scaled(QSize( 300 , 200 )) # resize Image to widgets size palette = QPalette() palette.setBrush( 10 , QBrush(sImage)) # 10 = Windowrole self .setPalette(palette) self .show() if __name__ == "__main__" : app = QApplication(sys.argv) oMainwindow = MainWindow() sys.exit(app.exec_())
There is no wonder that there are many companies that are taking help from robotic process automation (rpa) solutions due to which I had taken helped from this article.